Year 9 Religious Education

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Please contact your year level dean with any queries

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: M. Ward.

The theme of this year is beginnings. As students learn within topic areas they will draw upon religious language, symbols and texts that are at the heart of our Christian faith. They will study the life and background of Jesus Christ and how the early Christians took the message of Jesus to the world. They will use creative and critical thinking in order to advance their learning. Students will also give witness to Christian values and Social Justice principles. This will take place within the classroom and through the Journey Programme.


Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

$10 Licence to use on–line digital material

Journey Programme camp $180 (estimate)



An individual course will only run if sufficient students are accepted into the course.

All approvals for courses through this system are subject to satisfactory achievement in remaining internal standards and external examinations. Course Confirmation Day will run at the start of next year, where final approval for each course will be confirmed.