Level 2 Food and Nutrition
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Subject Description
Teacher in Charge: A. Knight.
Food and Nutrition will appeal to students who have an interest in culinary skills and learning more about nutrition. This course offers a combination of practical cookery skills and theory of nutrition and industry expectations.
This course will offer flexibility in individual course design where learners can take achievement standards and unit standards, however, the course will be run with a mixture of both.
The course builds upon the skills and knowledge developed in Level 1 but it is not a requirement. The emphasis is to continue to work on practical skills and increase the knowledge and understanding needed to work in the food industry and build a more technically advanced culinary repertoire.
This course requires a high level of commitment and attendance, as all the practical work for NCEA is assessed in class. There is a requirement for some study to be completed out of school. The external assessment is optional, therefore subject endorsement may not be available.
Entry Guidelines
Students are not required to have completed Level 1 Food Technology.
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
$100 to cover ingredients.
Assessment Information
The course will contain a maximum of 18 credits from the available standards listed above.Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Practise food safety methods in a food business under supervision
Cook food items by baking
Cook food items by grilling
Prepare and assemble, and present salads for service
Handle and maintain knives in a commercial kitchen
Compare characteristics of international dishes and prepare and present international dishes
Processing Technologies 2.60 - Implement advanced procedures to process a specified product
Pathway Tags
Dietitian, Nutritionist, Food Technology, Food Science, New product design, Food Engineering, Public health, Quality Assurance, Food Critic, Food Stylist, Cake Decorator, Product Promotion, Hospitality, Chef, Baker, Bar Manager, Bar Tender, Front of House, Caterer, Housekeeper, Cafe Manager, Hotel/ Motel Receptionist, Food marketing, Catering, Food, Cafe, Barista, Carer, Life Skills, Bartender, Tourism, Hotel/Motel Receptionist,
An individual course will only run if sufficient students are accepted into the course.
All approvals for courses through this system are subject to satisfactory achievement in remaining internal standards and external examinations. Course Confirmation Day will run at the start of next year, where final approval for each course will be confirmed.