Garin College Garin College

Year 10 Religious Education

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: M. Ward.

The theme of Christian Journey is significant within all topic areas. Students will come to appreciate how their own life and learning is influenced by the way they relate to others and their engagement in the wider faith community. By reflecting upon the journey of others they will understand how their own stories and the story of Christianity are connected and have given shape to the world today.


Religious Education


Level 1 Religious Education

					Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

$7 Licence to use digital resources

Sexuality and Relationships Programme $10 (TBC)

Journey Programme $200 (estimate)


An individual course will only run if sufficient students are accepted into the course.

All approvals for courses through this system are subject to satisfactory achievement in remaining internal standards and external examinations. Course Confirmation Day will run at the start of next year, where final approval for each course will be confirmed.