Garin College Garin College

Level 2 Business Studies

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: R. Birch.


This course is exemplary for educating students on the fundamentals of business practice and is open to all learner capabilities.

This course includes, product development, marketing, promotions, sales, financials and logistics. It is open to all learning levels and provides fantastic resources to support student learning for success. Students work in groups or independently on running their own innovative, ethical and sustainable businesses online and/or within the local community.


Make a Product Assessment

The assessment aspect of this requires students to work in a small business group or independently to prepare a product and business plan which covers market research, competitors, strategic vision, objectives, product development, marketing, finances and sale reports. This is a full year assessment worth 9 credits.

Business Psychology Assessment

Motivation in Commerce Internal Assessment in Term 2 explores motivation theory models to address the psychological factors behind why people are motivated in their jobs and why people are not. Students are given a local business to research and analyse and are required to report their findings. This is a 5 week internal assessment worth 3 credits.

Solve the Problem Exam

The end of year exam focuses on external factors that influence a business. Students learn how to implement strategic responses to manage risk on a business wide, professional scale.

All assessments are up-to-date, relevant and relatable. 


Social Science


Level 3 Business Studies

					Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Initial investment of about $100 to kickstart students own business. Any costs after that are not expected but might be necessary.


An individual course will only run if sufficient students are accepted into the course.

All approvals for courses through this system are subject to satisfactory achievement in remaining internal standards and external examinations. Course Confirmation Day will run at the start of next year, where final approval for each course will be confirmed.