Garin College Garin College

Level 2 Fashion and Design Technology

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: T. Arends.

Entry Guidelines

The best preparation for this course is to study the NCEA Level 1 Fashion Design course in order to be able to successfully progress through the theory and practical nature of the L2 requirements. Entry without meeting this can be discussed with the Teacher in Charge or Head of Faculty

Level 2 Textile Technology focuses on further developing the creative and technical skills in a range of creative industries such as apparel and textile design, costume for stage productions as well as making garments for personal use. Students will have the opportunity to expand their knowledge in garment construction, pattern drafting, and design, while employing creative problem-solving techniques. The primary focus of this level is the exploration of fabrics and patterns within a sustainable fashion industry.

A significant component of this course involves the creation of a 'Streetwear' garment, incorporating distinctive features such as linings, collars, and plackets. In addition, students will undertake a shorter project aimed at further developing their sewing and pattern adaptation skills. They will also acquire fundamental skills in fashion drawing, research, and evaluation, which are essential elements integrated into their coursework. Throughout the duration of the course, students will engage in the design process, making informed decisions regarding the construction and aesthetics of the garments they or their clients wish to create and wear.

As with Level 1, this course requires a high level of commitment, as all the practical work for NCEA is assessed in class. There is a large proportion of research which must be completed out of school. All students must be prepared to source their own materials and accessories for all garments that are designed and constructed. (Toile fabric, dyes, and basic sewing materials are supplied).




Level 3 Fashion and Design Technology

					Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

$50 consumables.


An individual course will only run if sufficient students are accepted into the course.

All approvals for courses through this system are subject to satisfactory achievement in remaining internal standards and external examinations. Course Confirmation Day will run at the start of next year, where final approval for each course will be confirmed.