Careers Education at Garin College
Here at Garin College, we aim to ensure that every young person knows who they are, what they are doing, why they are doing it, and where they are going.
Every young person leaves Garin College at the right time, with the right qualifications, to the right place, for them.
Career Development is an important aspect of our learners’ holistic education.
We offer a range of career services and support students in making informed decisions about their future.
At Garin College we use Careerwise to store and share the latest careers information, events and jobs with our students and their parents.
To visit our careers page, click here to move directly to our Careerwise site.
- Career development is an integral part of a young person’s overall development.
- Career education happens everywhere in the school and community.
- Career education makes other learning relevant
- Everyone can experience success
- There is something for everyone
Key Outcomes
Young people at Garin College are:
- Confident in their skills, abilities and their plans for the future
- Connected, life-long learners who seek excellence
- Sufficiently knowledgeable to make sound decisions about their future
- Respectful and employable
- Realistic dreamers
Individual Services
- Career counselling and advice
- CV/cover letters
- Job application support
- Interview preparation
- Course planning
- Subject selection support
- Tertiary information
- Employment skills
- Transition planning
- Goal Setting
- Work experience/shadowing organisation
- Reference/Testimonial writing
- Scholarship and Halls of Residence application support
STAR (Secondary Tertiary Alignment Resource)
Garin College receives funding to support students to access programmes, events, courses, experiences and opportunities that help them set goals, make decisions and transition from school to tertiary study and/or employment.
Garin College receives funding to support students to access programmes, events, courses, experiences and opportunities that help them set goals, make decisions and transition from school to tertiary study and/or employment.
- Short courses
- Taster days
- Experiences