Students continue to study in all learning areas giving them a wide breadth of subjects which provides them at the completion of their second year of secondary study, with an ideal launching platform into senior school programmes.
The curriculum continues to encourage students to strive for excellence by aiming high and persevering in the face of difficulties.
In the wider curriculum students continue to partake fully in at least one chosen sport, cultural activity and a service event through Club Garin Inc. The Journey Programme continues to offer students an opportunity to grow spiritually in a challenging outdoor setting.
Our programme design encourages our students to be creative, energetic and enterprising. It also allows our students the opportunity to develop the values, knowledge and competencies that will enable them to live full and satisfying lives.
In Year 10, students study the following:
- Religious Studies
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Technology (Digital Technology/Food and Nutrition/Materials and Design Technology/Fashion and Design Technology)
- Social Studies
- Physical Education and Health
- Arts (Music/Dance Drama/Art)
- Languages (Māori, Spanish and/or English Language Learning for selected International students)
You can browse courses by faculty area or search for courses using the links in the navigation bar on the left.
Other Programmes:
- Club Garin Activities (Sport/Arts/Service)
- The Journey Programme
- House competitions
- Special Calendared events—Mahi Toi, Graduation Challenge
Guidance Notes:
Students choose either Māori or Spanish for the full year, with the exception of selected international students who may study English Language Learning.