NCEA enables students to retain a broad spectrum of subjects even at this level and this Level 1 package ensures that all doors remain open to students.
In the wider curriculum students continue to partake fully in at least one chosen sport, cultural activity and a service event through Club Garin Inc. The Journey Programme continues to offer students an opportunity to grow spiritually in a challenging, outdoor setting.
In Year 11, students study the following:
- Religious Education
- English
- A Mathematics course (one of the three offered)
- 4 additional subjects, chosen from the curriculum
You can browse courses by faculty area or search for courses using the links in the navigation bar on the left.
Other Programmes:
- Club Garin Activities (Sport/Arts/Service)
- The Journey Programme
- House Competitions
- Special Calendared events—Mahi Toi
Guidance Notes:
Students are encouraged to keep their course selections broad and based on career aspirations.
As changes to NCEA Level 1 have been implemented many students have assessed for the Numeracy co-requisite requirements in year 10. A mathematics course is still compulsory at year 11. Students should pay close attention to information from their mathematics teacher about the appropriate course and discuss with them, or the Head of Faculty if they have questions.
Many learners will also assess for the new Literacy co-requisite requirements in the latter part of year 10. Everyone must gain the reading and writing co-requisites in order to gain any level of NCEA.
Students and whānau can find information about the new co-requisites at
Planning your pathway to further study after school is really important. Mrs Helliwell has put together this document which describes the best preparation you can do for tertiary courses that Garin students commonly go on to study.
If numbers are insufficient for a course it may not be offered.
A very small number of courses may have a finite number of spaces and it may be necessary to limit class numbers. In these cases Heads of Faculty will have indicated limits on course pages and students should complete selections for these courses at the earliest opportunity to avoid disappointment.