Assessment Procedures
Submitting assessment work
The teacher will announce the due date of an assessed piece in advance. You are required to hand in the work before 9am of that day, or if the teacher specifies it, during the period he/ she sees the class on the day.
You must personally hand the work to be marked in to the teacher who set it. If the teacher is not available on the day of submitting an assessment piece, hand it in to HOF or Mr Marshall or Mr Stock . In the case of your unavoidable absence from school, your parent or caregiver may hand it in to the school office on the due date with instructions in writing attached as to whom it must be passed to.
Missed assessments
There are situations that arise that necessitate the missing of an assessment. If you know in advance, notify your teachers in writing as soon as possible. The teacher will negotiate with you either to:
- hand in your work earlier than the due date
- give you an extension if before the due date, not on the day itself
- arrange an alternative assessment date or
- advise that no assessment is possible
There are forms available from Mr Marshall or Mr Stock if this happens.
In the event of illness a medical certificate covering the day of the assessment must be also handed in.
If you are away without an acceptable explanation you will forgo the opportunity to be assessed.
How you are to be assessed
Course outlines are provided for each programme of learning. The assessment information will include standard number, title, credit value, method and timing of assessment.
Individual subjects will have their own guidelines which students should check with their teachers. In general you will be given more than one opportunity to show what you can do. This may be another test opportunity or it may be an opportunity to clarify a response given. A student must do the original assessment before an opportunity for the next assessment can be given.
Verification of results
At the time marked work is returned to the student, he/she must sign it off as having seen and accepted the result.
There will be an opportunity to verify also that the teacher has entered the result correctly in his/her marks record when interim results are received early in the year following the completion of assessment.
If there is reason to disagree with a teacher’s decision regarding the assessment of a particular piece of work, or with regards to absence, authenticity or lateness, you may appeal.
You need to:
- Discuss your concern with the teacher within 2 days (48 hrs) of receiving the mark/decision.
- If there is no satisfactory solution, appeal in writing to the HOF of the subject or to the AP Assessment and Reporting within one week of receiving the mark or decision.
A form is available for this if required.
All work handed in for assessment must be your own original work. You will be withdrawn from the Standard and no credits awarded if you have:
- handed in work copied from another source
- allowed other students to copy your work
- received assistance from other people
CONSEQUENCE: there will be no opportunity for a reassessment.
Special assessment conditions
For identified students, special assessment conditions are available. Refer HOF Student Services in the first instance.